


                   you will get an answer to all your problems, in this article we will discuss the characteristics of oily scalp and how we can overcome this.
               One of the significant things, in order to find out suitable shampoo or any other hair products for your hairs, is to identify your hair scalp type either you have oily or dry hair. Without knowing this there is a possibility you might using wrong shampoo or any other product it can cause you some serious sufferings as hair falls and irritation etc.

“The hair is the richest ornament of women.” – Martin Luther

Symptoms of oily hair
Mostly symptoms included pimples on the scalp, a higher level of dihydrotestosterone DHT,
the oily appearance of hairs, stringing, and itchy scalps too.

              you will get an or cold water to wash your hair, it reduces the damage of your hair; warm or hot water stimulates the sebaceous glands, which can damage your hairs.

  1. Brushing your hair well, it will distribute the grease through your strands.
  2. Do not over-wash your hairs, it can irritate the scalp and can damage your hairs.
  3. Include a sufficient amount of vitamin B in your diet; it plays a vital role in hair growth, your intake of vitamin B directly correlate to sebum production
  4. An excess buildup of oil on the scalp can lead to dandruff; for dandruff wash your hair regularly with anti-dandruff shampoo or with salicylic acid. For dandruff, you can also try safe home remedies such as tea tree oil, cider vinegar and those natural ingredients which have anti-fungal and antibacterial properties.
  5. Consult your dermatologist if the problem is unmanageable.
  6. Avoid using of harsh chemicals.
  7. Avoid greasy or sticky products like gels, hairspray and much use of straightening and hair drier.                     In the next article, we will give the best shampoo for hair

Well, since time immemorial, we have been struggling with our hair. We want the shine and volume like every other pretty actress who comes across in the huge screens. Nevertheless, shampoo and conditioner are not some avocado and toast, which suits all of us at the same time. However, for hair care, the First step is to know about your scalp and hair type and use the shampoos & conditioner accordingly. In this article, we will discuss the rare type of scalp “Combination Scalp”.
There are four major hair–types:

Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself.” Coco Chanel.

Wondering how to understand if you have this tricky hair–type?
Here, I have provided a list of points that might help you in your long self–care battle! Let us have a look at it

  1. If you have a combination scalp, you need two kinds of care for your hair and scalp separately. At least wash the hair twice a week. You can apply shampoo gently on the scalp as it is oily, but you can leave out the hair strands. You need to apply conditioner at the tips of the hair. Therefore, your scalp will be clear, and the strand of hair will remain moisturized. In combination-type hair, hair-tips become dry so to keep it moisture-locked, we need to hydrate it.
  2. Shampooing at least thrice a week will undoubtedly reduce your hair fall.
  3. Now comes a crucial stage- combing your hair. I suggest that if you have a combination-type hair and scalp, then you should have a different type of comb. If you have straight hair, then use a bristle paddle brush, and if it has frizzy and curly then use a wooden comb.
  4. Stop using hair-drier as soon as possible. Alternatively, reduce the amount of usage, since it dries up your hair-ends and your hair-tips might break and damage. If you apply it on the scalp, the sebum (which is the natural oil) level will also decrease. If you have an emergency and cannot get out without blow-drying, then keep the temperature at low mode or use cooler temperatures.
  5. Oiling – Oiling is the most important part of hair growth and giving that lustrous shine. If you have combination hair, simply at the strand/end of hair use warm oil and massage it.
  6. Having a proper and maintained balanced diet is another factor to concentrate on. Consuming a balanced diet with minerals and supplements will help in thickening and growing of your hair.
  7. Avoid your hair from getting exposed to the sun. It’s harmful to your hair as you have combination hair; your hair will become dull and it also affects producing of the sebum.
  8. For increasing the production of sebum, have food rich in Vitamin A like carrots, tomatoes, green leaf, and dairy products. It will help to maintain the sebum production.
  9. Stay away from chemical treatments such as colouring, perming, etc.
  10. Choose shampoo very carefully as you have a combination of types of hair. Use a mild shampoo; which is a pH balanced shampoo. Do not shampoo more than thrice a week.
  11. To keep your hair free of split-ends; trim your hair regularly.
  12. Use olive oil or jojoba oil, and gently massage it on your hair. It helps to keep hair moisture-locked for days.
  13. Deep conditioning treatment is best for dry and frizzy hair. You can try it at home, too. The method is to apply conditioner on hair end and wrapping up your hair with a wet warm towel to keep it moisturized.
  14. Have patience and watch the miracle happen
    Let me know, how useful you found this to be. Hope this made the search for perfect products for your combination-type hair a bit easier.
dry oily hair
Normal Dry Oily Combination Hair and scalp
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